Sunday, May 18, 2014

Pass the word

Just received the following request from Ellen Schofield at NetWest. Please pass this information along for those who might want to attend George Singleton's event.
Mary A. Berger

Hello NetWest members,

We received this request from City Lights Bookstore in Sylva, and are passing it along to you. We hope some of you can attend.

Best Regards,
Ellen Schofield
NetWest Program Coordinator

f possible, can you help get the word out about George's event on Saturday, May 24th at 3 p.m?  Here is a link to our website announcing the reading:

Friday, May 16, 2014

Blue Ridge BookFest

The much anticipated Blue Ridge BookFest, held at the local Blue Ridge College in western North Carolina, has come and gone. And what a success it was! I'm told we had over 200 attendees and that many book exhibitors sold either all their books or at least several. The steering committee provided a nice luncheon, followed by the popular Cassandra King, local author of Moonrise, who gave an interesting talk about her background.

All in all, a pretty successful and enjoyable day for authors, presenters and book fans alike.

(I sold multiple books which made Mattie happy, I'm sure. Maybe she'll quit pestering me for a while—at least until next year's BookFest rolls around!)